Quality Assurance
SKANDITEK AS are currently developing an Quality System to conform to
ISO 9001:2015 standard.
We are currently certified by Norwegian DiBK (Direktorated for Byggkvalitet)
Safety and Health
It is the policy of SKANDITEK AS, to promote a high standard of Safety and Health across the company and to ensure that the best practicable methods of compliance with legislation are achieved. SKANDITEK AS recognise this high standard of Safety and Health as a business goal in its contribution to business performance, through improved quality and efficiency and by fostering a positive safety culture.
We are committed to protecting the safety, health and welfare of our employees and extend this policy to include the safety of visitors, contractors and others who may be affected by our activities, so far as is reasonably practicable. The allocation of duties for safety matters and particular arrangements to implement the policy and manage safety are set out in our Safety Statement. All hazards and associated risks to employees and others relevant have been identified, assessed and controlled.
Our policy and Safety Statement are reviewed annually to ensure that they reflect current standards and legislation.
Environmental Management System
SKANDITEK AS currently developing an Environmental Management System to conform to
ISO 14001:2015 standard. SKANDITEK AS acknowledge that our activities may have an impact on our environment and accept our responsibility to foster environmental awareness, sound management and sustainability through the implementation of best practice where possible.
Continuing Professional Development
SKANDITEK AS are committed to the Continuing Professional Development of its employees.